our preference was pretty much the rule until 2018, when the “improvement” was mandated. Galileos experience, several centuries ago, should have taught us not to mess wit...
3.Not for wanting to go,but why run off and leave us in the lurch? 她可以离开,但别突然就跑了,让大家措手不及。
Love would never leave us alone. 1980年9月20日,在麦迪逊广场花园进行了两晚演出后,Marley去纽约中央公园散步。这时他突然病情发作晕倒了过去,并被马上送到医院。然而医生告诉Marley...
前面有人说到“sorry”这个词稍微有点重,比较 formal。一般日常用于表达该意,比如走在路上不小心碰了一下,用“my bad”就可以了,意思就是“I don‘t mean it。”而不是究竟谁错了错的有...
that mountain peak before us 看起来可真秀气呀! looks so graceful! 韩佳: 那是玉女峰。 That is Yunu Peak. 跟这边这座大王峰呢 It and Dawang Peak over here 都是武夷山的标志。 are symbols of Wuyi Mountain. 那它最大的特点 Its most salient feature ...